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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Date: Wed, 9 Feb 94 04:30:30 PST
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #26
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Wed, 9 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 26
Today's Topics:
DSP Audio Filters
htx-202 or dj-162 ? (2 msgs)
ICF-2010: adding filt
Is a Kenwood TR-9000 any good?
Macintosh CW sender/cable
MFJ 20 meter SSB
Mods for Kenwood TR-7800??
RF quiet computer monitors?
Tekk data radios: Where to find them ?
TEMPEST - Electronic Eavesdropping
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 21:15:12 GMT
From: usc!math.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!news.cs.indiana.edu!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!bluegrass.ecn.purdue.edu!wb9tow@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: DSP Audio Filters
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Well,I have a DSP-9 built from a kit...A good inexpensive unit but
required patience getting the "bugs" out.
Clean power supply, shielded cables inside, minor circuit mods, AGC curcuit
added, (note that cw sidetone usually disappears as the narrow filters are
turned on) adding a sidetone to the rig indepentent of the audio being
filtered on receive. And the kit DSP-9 doesnt allow instant selection
of the given filters. One must "step" through each and stopping on the desired
filter...a real pain when you're in a hurry to go from "QRN reduction" to
narrow cw filter.....but for $125 you cant beat it....73 steve
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 1994 20:52:43 GMT
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!news.intercon.com!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!colmiks!psc@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: htx-202 or dj-162 ?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Joel B Levin (levin@bbn.com) wrote:
: In article <2ire53$o2g@explorer.clark.net> robocop@clark.net (matt roberts) writes:
: In article <CKM79r.45H@sunsrvr6.cci.com>, James D. Cronin <jdc@cci.com> wrote:
: >In article <2i8rnf$o5n@explorer.clark.net>,
: >matt roberts <robocop@clark.net> wrote:
: >>The HTX202 is a good radio. It comes with the CTCSS, DTMF squelch, and
: >>it can store telephone numbers. It has 14 memories, I think.
: >I'll second the motion. The HTX-202 is also more sensitive on receive
: >than my ICOM-27H, of a late 70's or early 80's vintage. And the price
: >is right when Radio Shack runs one of their periodic "sales".
: The radio is also free of intermod. I hear a lot of complaints on the
: air about intermod, but I never hear these from HTX202 owners.
: On the other hand you hear complaints here about the inability to
: expand the receive capabilities of the HTX-202 so one can monitor the
: NOAA weather or public service agencies. It is because you can't that
: the receiver is so clean. If expanded VHF reception is important to
: you, the Alinco would be the correct choice (of the two mentioned
: here).
: =
: Nets: levin@bbn.com | "Earn more sessions by sleeving."
: pots: (617)873-3463 |
: ARS: KD1ON | -- Roxanne Kowalski
: Philip Cook : Sysop of Dragon's World BBS : Amateur Radio Operator :
: psc@colmiks. : 203-294-1813 : N1OKM :
: colmiks.com : A Commodore C*Base BBS : ARRL member :
Date: 03 Feb 1994 20:36:22 GMT
From: mvb.saic.com!unogate!news.service.uci.edu!usc!news.bbn.com!news.bbn.com!levin@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: htx-202 or dj-162 ?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <2ire53$o2g@explorer.clark.net> robocop@clark.net (matt roberts) writes:
In article <CKM79r.45H@sunsrvr6.cci.com>, James D. Cronin <jdc@cci.com> wrote:
>In article <2i8rnf$o5n@explorer.clark.net>,
>matt roberts <robocop@clark.net> wrote:
>>The HTX202 is a good radio. It comes with the CTCSS, DTMF squelch, and
>>it can store telephone numbers. It has 14 memories, I think.
>I'll second the motion. The HTX-202 is also more sensitive on receive
>than my ICOM-27H, of a late 70's or early 80's vintage. And the price
>is right when Radio Shack runs one of their periodic "sales".
The radio is also free of intermod. I hear a lot of complaints on the
air about intermod, but I never hear these from HTX202 owners.
On the other hand you hear complaints here about the inability to
expand the receive capabilities of the HTX-202 so one can monitor the
NOAA weather or public service agencies. It is because you can't that
the receiver is so clean. If expanded VHF reception is important to
you, the Alinco would be the correct choice (of the two mentioned
Nets: levin@bbn.com | "Earn more sessions by sleeving."
pots: (617)873-3463 |
ARS: KD1ON | -- Roxanne Kowalski
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 94 21:55:00 -0500
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!news.intercon.com!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!channel1!jack.treger@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: ICF-2010: adding filt
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
RD>In article <40.242.2424.0NE169CF@channel1.com>,
RD>Jack Treger <jack.treger@channel1.com> wrote:
RD>> Kiwa sells filters for the 2010 and can be reached at 1-800-398-1146.
RD>> The prices is 14 and 40 dollars for the wideband and narrowband mods,
RD>> respectively. The filters have zero insertion loss so overall signal
RD> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
RD>> strength is increased since the stock filters do insert loss.
RD>I have a hard time believing this. I expect the filter to be a ceramic
RD>or a crystal (less likely) type. These filters always have an insertion los
Believe it. It uses buffer amplifiers with it's three cascaded
ceramic filters.
│ SLMR 2.1a │ -
Date: 7 Feb 1994 17:33:41 GMT
From: library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!olivea!inews.intel.com!scdt!dbraun@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Is a Kenwood TR-9000 any good?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I was looking out for a 2M all-mode rig for possible satellite work,
and someone had a Kenwood (actually "Trio") TR-9000 rig for sale.
I know it's an older one, but is this one of the better rigs, or
is it a dog? What do you think they are worth now?
Doug Braun Intel Design Technology
408 765-4279
/ decwrl \
| hplabs |
or maybe: -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun
| amd |
\ qantel /
"There is no human problem which could not be solved if
people would simply do as I advise." -- Gore Vidal
Date: 7 Feb 94 16:21:58 -0600
From: ucsnews!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!newsrelay.iastate.edu!cobra.uni.edu!spurra8478@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Macintosh CW sender/cable
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I seem to remember a while back a cable that would connect a
Macintosh to the code key jack of a radio and the Mac would then
send the code. It wasn't expensive and seemed very simple.
Does anybody know what it is (or an equivalent) and where I can
buy it?
Aaron Spurr
Cedar Falls, IA
Date: 8 Feb 1994 08:49:27 -0600
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: MFJ 20 meter SSB
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
> Has anyone seen or tried MFJ's 12 watt 20 meter SSB rig
> shown in their 1994 catalogue? Is it even in production yet?
> Matt Trail KN6CR
I talked to MFJ recently .. the rig is suppose to be off the production
line about this week.. or maybe next.. this is from one of the VPs and
he has been very honest with me in the past. I am anxious to test this
one out.. make a great portable/mobile rig, especially with CW module.
It wasn't clear from the add whether you can leave the CW module in and
switch back and forth or have to have the module out for SSB and in for
Jeff, AC4HF
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 12:50:47 GMT
From: ucsnews!newshub.sdsu.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.funet.fi!aton.abo.fi!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Mods for Kenwood TR-7800??
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I have been trying to find some modifications
for my old Kenwood TR-7800 2m mobile FM-rig,
but so far with no luck. If you have anything
about this particular rig, please post/e-mail!
Mika Suoranta, E-mail MSUORANTA@ABO.FI Packet Radio OH1NZQ@OH1RBU.FIN.EU
home: It{inen Pitk{katu 47 B 36, 20810 Turku, Finland, phone +358-21-355053
work: Turku School of Economics, 20500 Turku, Finland, phone +358-21-638311
Date: 8 Feb 1994 05:32:15 GMT
From: agate!spool.mu.edu!sgiblab!cs.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!gaia.ucs.orst.edu!ucs.orst.edu!steinr@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I am going to buy a new Kenwood 732-A dual band mobile radio.
If anyone has the expanded receive/transmit mods for this radio,
I would appreciate an E-mail message with this info.
Thanks in advance. -- Ray
Date: 6 Feb 94 10:51:57
From: koriel!news2me.EBay.Sun.COM!exodus.Eng.Sun.COM!engnews1.Eng.Sun.COM!engnews1!rfm@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: RF quiet computer monitors?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
My computer monitor puts out an annoying amount of horizontal-sweep RFI; for
other reasons I need to replace it soon, and I'd like to get one that's
quieter. I'd like to tap the net's experience with this: what kind of
monitor do you have, and have you had RFI trouble with it? So that I can
filter dups, please email me (rfm@eng.sun.com), don't follow up to the net.
Please mention the manufacturer, model, a short description (e.g. "15 inch
1024x768 NI SVGA"), the approximate date of new purchase (equipment often
changes during production runs) and your experience with it. I'll collect
the responses and summarize back to rec.radio.amateur.equipment.
[I've directed followups to rec.radio.amateur.equipment, though I'd
prefer responses by mail.]
Rich, KD6GZW
Rich McAllister (rfm@eng.sun.com)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 21:30:12 GMT
From: utcsri!newsflash.concordia.ca!CC.UMontreal.CA!fn@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Tekk data radios: Where to find them ?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I am looking for a Tekk data radio (2W output, one channel, crystal controlled
430-450 Mhz).
Does anyone know the phone/fax number and address of the manufacturer
(or distributor).
Note that I'm not interested in the packages sold by Gracilis or PacComm
but only by the radio.
TNX, 73 de Francois / VE2NFC.
Francois Normant (VE2NFC) | Internet: fn@mathappl.polymtl.ca
Ecole Polytechnique - Mathematiques | Compu$erve: 75210,525
C.P. 6079 - succursale centre ville | Tel. (514) 340-5968
Montreal - Quebec - Canada - H3C 3A7 | Fax. (514) 340-4463
Date: 6 Feb 1994 20:56:31 -0800
From: ucsnews!newshub.sdsu.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!news.clark.edu!clark.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: TEMPEST - Electronic Eavesdropping
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Re: the government prohibits use of tempest technology.....
Boeing surplus in Seattle was selling tempest housings for computers a
year or two ago. They were pretty cheap too.
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #26